Arnapurna Swain was born in 2012 in Gop. Sadly, her early life was filled with challenges. After a tragic accident, her father began suffering from mental illness. Her mother also faced difficulties during her pregnancy, which added to the struggles.
When Annapurna was born, everything seemed normal. But after two and a half years, her growth began to slow down. She was diagnosed with tongue-tie, making it hard for her to speak clearly. She couldn’t do daily tasks on her own and didn’t behave like other children her age.
When Annapurna turned six, our team at Vikash Foundation identified her needs and sent her to SCB Medical for assessment. With the right care, including ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) training and speech therapy, she started to make incredible progress.
Today, Annapurna can perform her daily activities, and her eye-hand coordination has improved significantly. She is now attending school and receiving a scholarship and an escort to support her journey.
Despite the challenges she has faced, Annapurna dreams of undergoing surgery for her tongue-tie so she can speak better and attend a regular school, just like other children. Her strength and determination are truly inspiring, and we are committed to helping her achieve her dreams.